2019 Good Vibrations, 44” x 46”
The past month has been quite busy in the quilt department as I worked hard to complete several quilts for shows. The first one I want to share is called Good Vibrations and was made to submit to the Modern Quilt Guild Showcase at International Quilt Festival in Houston this fall.
This piece started out as the center section which was made with leftovers from Rhythm of the Rails two years ago. I put together the leftovers in a medallion style and then it hung on the design wall for two years. Sometimes things just need to marinate I guess! Anyway, I realized the submission date was only a week out and wondered if I could make something in that time frame. Starting with partial top, even though it was only about 18’ square, was a little kick in the pants to get me going.
I gathered likely fabrics and started cutting strips to no particular size, then started sewing them together. Then I cut and sewed, and cut and sewed, ad infinitum.
Usually when I make a quilt I have plenty of time to consider possible names, but this one was going so quickly I had a hard time deciding on something. I do always feel like this type of improv makes me feel like it’s a musical rhythm. It’s also a bit jazzy as there are unexpected notes every now and then. I was posting about it on Instagram when I got a comment that the quilt was “vibratory” and that’s what clicked and made me think of Good Vibrations. I think it’s the perfect name because it really is all about the joy of creation.
Improvisation is all about saying yes to the possibilities and this quilt represents the pure joy in that. Enjoy!