My time in Portland at the NW Quilters Guild last week was great fun and a wonderful introduction to the world of a traveling teacher! The lecture went great and the 2.5 days of class were lots of fun. I hope to do it again soon. The first photos are from the improv class. Very striking pieces, don't you think? Most of the students hadn't worked improvisationally before, but they certainly caught on fast! The improv class was 1.5 days, but I think it would have worked well in a longer format. We are seeing a lot of potential here, but I'd love to see them even further along. They did tell me that the quilts from these workshops will be featured in their quilt show next year (May 1 & 2, Portland Expo Center).
Above: This student made the print blocks with scraps as she went along, each seam was a leader or ender. Great idea!
Above, don't you think that stripe looks great in this piece!
Above: This student made the block on the top right without planning it. We all fell in love with it (we named it the railroad block) and she demoed it so we could all give it a try. We discovered that value and placement of the thinner strips vs thicker strips makes a difference.
Above: I wish I'd gotten a better photo of that middle quilt, Tam did such a fantastic job! Below is my teaching sample mixed with some other parts I found in the scrap bin.
The Liberated Baskets class was on the last day. This was a smaller class, but no less fun. I was so happy to see the students try all sorts of different baskets. This photo includes baskets from everyone, including me. I look forward to seeing these done as well. I'll have to put their quilt show on my calendar!