Rock the Block, 39" x 39"
Rock the Block is my work that I started during a workshop with Joe Cunningham. You can read an earlier post about it here. I had most of it done by the end of the day, but when I decided to finish it for a couple of shows this summer, I had to add the borders so that I could sneak in a few more color blocks that went out to the edge. I'm really pleased with it! I think this method would be perfect for someone who wants to try improv, but is hesitant about it. Many of the design decisions are made for you and you get such interesting effects! I love it when you end up with a tiny bit of color that you didn't plan for. The spontaneity is just marvelous! This class was called Rock the Block, Album Style and you can read more about it on Joe's website. I highly recommend his lecture and workshop. Great fun!
I hope you'll also notice the straight line quilting. I don't stress about whether my lines are perfect and I hope you don't either. Perfection is best left to the machines that are not human guided. Just do your best and let it be what it is. Below you'll see more close ups of the happy accidents that happen with improv. Enjoy!
PS- This quilt will be at the Mt Bachelor Quilters Guild Quilt Show in the Park this Saturday, 10am to 4pm, in Bend.