Gwenny's Night Out

Gwen Marston

Gwen Marston

Last Thursday quilters in Central Oregon were treated to a final presentation by Gwen Marston for the East of the Cascade Quilters at the Stitchin' Post.  She's retiring in 2017 and doesn't have plans to get back here, so I knew I had to be there.  It was like old home week- lots of friends came out to see Gwen.  

*** All quilts shown are by Gwen Marston.

Gwen's Sketches on the back wall.

Gwen's Sketches on the back wall.

Gwen's lecture was about her abstract quilts in solids.  She brought lots of fabulous examples.  I've heard Gwen speak many times- she's always entertaining and has lots to say about working this way.

Here are close-ups of some of the small sketches that were on the wall.  These are all in her 37 Sketches book.  It sure was nice to see them up close though.  So much inspiration!