Breast Pockets

Breast Pockets (2)

My breast pockets are done and will be sent off tomorrow.  The one on the left is made from a soft-as-butter vintage tea towel that is stained and worn.  I loved the printed butterflies and got it because I knew it would make some interesting additions to my slow cloth pieces.  I think it's perfect for this.  In my mind we are all beautiful even when our bodies are worn and stained through the rigors of cancer treatment.  I have the tattooed dots to prove it (required for radiation therapy).  The butterfly signifies new birth and what do you think about that little horse and carriage on the flap?  There was only that one motif on the whole towel, perhaps the maker's logo?  I also placed a vintage button there.  Anyway, I like this one an awful lot.  

The green one was created from some linen pants that never fit properly.  I loved the fabric though and have used it many times.  I was so happy I had enough to make a pocket.  Both of these are actual pockets and I will place a note inside like the maker of these beautiful pockets.

Breast Pockets (1)

I got my mammogram results just now and all is clear!  Hurray!  That is great news, but it always reminds me that my cancer wasn't discovered by mammogram.  I found the lump almost by accident and even after we knew I had cancer, further mammograms didn't see the lump.  Mammography is a very helpful step in early detection, but it's not the only one.  You should also be doing your self exams and getting regular checkups.

Remember, this project is to highlight the women who have chosen not to have reconstruction after breast surgery.  In my case, I had a lumpectomy and so I am a bit lopsided, but not flat.  Melanie says, that's okay- everyone is assymetrical.  The truth is that if I had ended up with a mastectomy, I would not have had reconstruction.  I consulted with a plastic surgeon as we made the decision on what kind of surgery to have.  I knew immediately that reconstruction was not for me. I salute the flatties who have made a decision that goes against the cultural norm!

Breast Pockets (3)

Before I made my breast pockets I wrote this page in my art journal, sort of to plan out the making ahead of time.  If this is helpful for you to make a pocket, or if you want to link to this page, go right ahead.  Remember, the deadline for mailing is the week of October 22!  Read about the project here: Breast Pockets.

Breast Pockets for Melanie Testa (3)