The Local Quilt by Carolyn Friedlander
Well, this is it! The very last post about QuiltCon 2016. It was truly a fun time and a treat to get away for a week. My roomie was my friend Marion who you'll see below. We had a great time and enjoyed the show, great friends, great food, and fantastic weather.
These first few photos are from the show floor. The Kona exhibit was full of the Kona Color of the Year- Highlighter! I love Carolyn's and Valori's quilts.
Highlighter Rocks with Sunflowers and Lemons by Valori Wells
I loved this little blue trailer that Sew Modern has. I bought a stack of Carolyn Friedlander's fat quarters here too, my one big purchase from the show.
Mary Fons
I didn't take any classes, but I did get the all lecture pass and made it to quite a few of them. I really enjoyed Mary Fons' lecture The Great American Quilt Revival.
Vanessa Vargas Wilson, Chawne Kimber and Giuseppe Ribaudo
Vanessa, Chawne and Giuseppe did a panel called Diversity in the Quilting World that was hosted by Sandi Sawa Hazlewood. Excellent!
Keynote Speaker Gwen Marston
I looked forward to Gwen's talk all year long and she did not disappoint. Her big news is this upcoming book- A Common Thread. It will be a retrospective of Gwen's work and I'm really looking forward to it.
Marion and Gwen
Marion and I were lucky to have lunch with Gwen one day. We sat outside the convention center to people watch. Other Beaver Island Quilt Guild friends joined us too.
Gwen, Fern and ?
Gwen and friends, Patti on the right
It was great to meet up with other friends from near and far. I didn't get photos with all of them, but I also had the pleasure of making new friends. What fun!
Maria (second from right) and friends
QuiltCon volunteers
Marion and I just happened to walk by the steps when the volunteers were getting ready for a photo, so I snapped one too. I know several people who volunteered their time to make the conference go smoothly. Kudos to them all for another fantastic QuiltCon!