Looking at the photos of our time on Cape Cod reminds me of the perfect weather we had there. The blues of the sea and sky are so evocative. The Shields family cottage is on this salt water pond, just a block from the beach.
Red Sox pride is a constant.
Pink doors are not so common here, so this one stands out.
Our daily walk to the beach goes along this street where I saw this sign. Before I knew it I was seeing similar signs up and down the street. I love these personal touches!
My favorite, of course!
Cape Cod wildlife is pretty tame.
Sunset walk on the beach.
In the daytime, the beach looks like this.
We took a trip to Wood's Hole one day. Ryan liked the ships.
Rachel Carson is immortalized in Wood's Hole.
Back home, I took advantage of the clothesline on a beautiful day.
We got a few really nice beach days this year. That doesn't always happen, so we took advantage of it.
Saying goodbye and thank you to Grammy and Grampa.
This photo was taken just before we got on the road for the long drive home. More on that adventure next time.