Insomniac Knitting

My normal sleep patterns are disrupted again this week with the medication I was taking until yesterday.  Hopefully, tonight will be better, but last night I just couldn't lay in bed staring at the ceiling.  So, I got up and knit a mitten in about an hour and a half.  I went back to bed and got a bit more sleep.  This afternoon I was so pleased with myself when I finished the second one and then I noticed- I forgot to do the second one as a left hand mitten!   Oh well, I will keep these two and make two lefties since I have plenty of this yummy red Cascade 220. The pattern is the Snow Country Felt Mittens pattern by Fiber Trends.  The yarn is doubled and it goes really fast, especially in this kid's size. 

I actually started something else last night too, but will keep that as a teaser!  Next up, two people have tagged me for memes so I'll give those a go over the next couple of days.  See ya later!
