January, driving across the country
Greetings! Sorry for the long hiatus, but it’s taken longer than I expected to get settled and get my studio going again. I’ve included some photos from the last 6 months since we moved from Oregon to Massachusetts. The move was difficult due to doing it in the winter during a pandemic. We had to wait a while for our goods to get here because the shipping company had trouble getting a driver. We finally moved in to the house in February. We took a day out in January while we were waiting for our stuff to drive to Rockport and Gloucester which was really beautiful.
January, Gloucester, MA
January, Rockport, MA
Spring was lovely as we waited for everything to leaf out. We had a number of trees and shrubs that we couldn’t identify until they finally bloomed and it was lovely to see all the variety in the yard. Meanwhile, Ryan and I started to get out to explore nearby towns. I spent ages seeking out various types of shopping to see which places were best for us for groceries and other shopping. Our town is called semi-rural so there aren’t very many shops here, so I was trying to decide which direction to head for everything. It turns out that I go in a different direction depending on what I want, but I am starting to learn my favorite routes. I am also finding lots of hidden gems. I find out about wonderful new places to visit all the time. All of that kept me from the studio until a couple of months ago.
Spring in Massachusetts
I had to start working on my next book quilt for the Undercover Quilters so I finally got going on that and it is done. I’ll do a post about it soon. I also wanted to complete some more rice bags and some fabric journals. Now that I’m done making some new items for the shop it is finally open again. Please take a look to see what I’ve been doing lately.
New rice bags
New junk journals
Summer in Masshachusetts, on the trail
Joey is wondering about those turkey feathers
I hope you are having a wonderful summer. I’ll be back again soon!
Barrow Bookstore in Concord, MA