The first exhibit is the Central Oregon Modern Quilt Guild's Ohio Star Challenge. This is the second year that our exhibit has been right on the main road. The Sisters Drug Store is the perfect location to highlight these quilts.
Quilts by Sarah, Katy, Erin, Erin
These quilts range across just about all the categories of possibility when it comes to modern quilts. I am certainly no expert, but I did get a chance to see Jacquie Gering's lecture during quilt week about how to recognize a modern quilt. Then I went to the Modern Quilt Guild community and watched Heather's Grant's webinar on the same thing. In both lectures, even after going through a long list of attributes of which a modern quilt is likely to have at least one, it seems to wind down to "you'll know a modern quilt when you see one". So, please take my selection here with a grain of salt!Quilts by Kristin, Lindsey and Sarah
Quilts by Laurie, Sabine, Janice
Quilts by Christy, Corni, Susan and Marilyn
Katy and Sarah were hostessing when I got there, so they got photos with their quilts. Katy's sold very early in the day and got lots of attention!
Sarah attempted to avoid a photo by engaging every passerby, but eventually I got her to hold still for a beautiful photo!
Erin's is really a favorite of mine. Those solid colors are fantastic!
The quilt above and all the other ones are quilts I saw around town. The makers may or may not consider them modern, but I have declared them so for this post.
The two quilts above are from the Portland Modern Quilt Guild. I really adore that one on the right!
This stripe quilt is very cool! What a great way to use strings!
This denim quilt is one of my favorites in the show. I just love it! I need to get back to some Gee's Bend style piecing.
Above is another one by Sarah!
Marion's quilt deserves to be shown with this grouping too. I think it would probably fit right in with our COMQG exhibit.
Next up: the 2014 Featured Quilter and the Mt Bachelor Quilters' Guild exhibit.