Supernova, New Hampshire MQG
Today's post is about the QuiltCon Charity Quilt Challenge quilts that I found most intriguing. From the QuiltCon website: This year’s challenge requires participants to work collaboratively to create completed quilts using a predetermined color palette while crafting a design that plays with scale. See the official website for more info on the color palette. Enjoy!
The James: Not to Scale, Central Virginia MQG
Coming Together, Northampton MQG
Illawara Improv, Wollongong MQG (Australia)
Paradise Central, Central Florida MQG
Creating Opportunities: Challenge and Charity, MODQ- Boulder
Alberta Sky Quilt, Calgary MQG
Be Bold, Be Brave, Orange County MQG
Dashes for Arden, North Shore Long Island Quilters
Good Morning, Tulsa!, Tulsa MQG