Donna Rice, Marion Shimoda
Today's post is about the Rosalie Dace student quilts and the Teacher's tent. I have added names where I have them, but I wasn't as good at getting names here for some reason. The Rosalie quilts are pretty cool. There's so much variety and color. I've taken three weeklong workshops with Rosalie so far and have learned so much in them!
Martha Sanders on left
Jan Tetzlaff on left, Kristin Shields on right
Diane Browning upper middle, Helen Brisson lower left
Jan Tetzlaff left, Jean Wells Keenan right
June Jaeger middle and right
Bevalee Runner
Lauren Teubner
Katherine Chevalier
Below is a sampling of quilts from the Teacher's Tent. You can see a lot of variety from the traditional, to art quilts, to modern design.
Alex Anderson
Alex Anderson
Barbara Shapel
Karla Anderson
Katie Pasquini-Masopust
Sue Spargo
Sarah Fielke
Jacquie Gering