Moon Cat
Sun Cat
Hello! Yes, I'm still here, and still settling into the new house and studio. My goodness, moving is hard work. I think it's partly the downsizing that's been so hard. I got rid of so much stuff over the past year and after we moved in I realized I hadn't gone far enough, so purging is happening again. However, much of the photos, artwork and quilts are up on the walls, so that's a good sign.
It's still going to take some time to get my studio straightened out, so I haven't really sewn anything lately. I do have upcoming deadlines, so I'll need to get going soon. In the meantime, I picked up the unsold items from Twigs the other day and listed some of them in my Etsy shop. Please check it out if you are interested in any of the items in this post. There are some of them I've decided not to part with at this time, but as always, if you see something you like don't hesitate to ask if it's available for sale. You never know!
In addition to some of the small quilts, I've decided to sell the glass mask I made with Cheryl for the Euphoria exhibit. If you know anyone who collects masks, don't hesitate to share!
Doodle Dog
B is for...
O is for...
Indigo Feather
Tribal Mask