Did it again!

We took another bike ride today.  It was a little chillier than last time, so the gloves were handy to have.  This photo is taken in Drake Park which is on Mirror Pond which is just a wide spot in the Deschutes River.  It's our town's centerpiece and where a lot of the summer festivals take place.

This time we went down to the local art gallery where Chloe has some Artist Trading Cards displayed.  We were too late to get in to see them, so will try again tomorrow.  I'll post a photo of that.  The really cool thing is that on Saturday they are having a trading day at the gallery and the co-op artists will be participating as well as anyone from the community who wants to.  Well, we want to, so we'll be there Saturday morning, just before Chloe's Don Quixote play which is just before her overnight at the local science camp for Campfire.  That's going to be one busy day!!