It's a busy and wonderful life

Campfire festivities are finally over for our family.  It's been fun, but a little overwhelming with the end of year activities.  Chloe went to the Survivor Campout a couple of weeks ago on her own (though with her club leader and four other kids from our group).  She had a great time.  They had all sorts of challenges to complete as a team and her team won!  This is their challenge to create something that would help them survive in the wild, given a certain collection of objects.  They made this bag to protect their food from bears.

It looks like they might be building a shelter here.

I believe this is an orietation challenge.


And here are the triumphant COOL Cougars!

We've also had some fun with our COOL group lately.  Here's Ryan playing with Kenzie at the park for sports night.

Last week was Ryan's week of Cougar Camp, a summer day camp for kids in Shevlin Park in Bend.  He had a great time as usual.  This is the bbq night when the families come to eat dinner with the campers and see the skits they do.  After this Ryan stayed in the teepees for a one night sleepover.  This is Ryan doing the "Royal Papers" skit.

We ended up at Shevlin Park every day last week because we met COOL group there on Friday for a bike ride.  It was a beautiful day and we had a wonderful time.  Here's Ryan with his buddy, Starr on top of the truck.  They went up there to read some books!

Chloe and her friends, Shayna and Skye found this dead tree across the river and decided to make it theirs.

Later on they found this stretch of river to play on and had a ball.  What a lovely day to be on the river!

Tonight we went to sports night and Chloe fell out of a tree!  Her wrist didn't look so good after that, so I took the kids home and Mark took Chloe to the ER.  It turns out that it is broken.  We have to go back in the morning for an orthopedist to look at it and set it properly.  We are also supposed to head to Portland tomorrow, but I'll wait til the morning to see how we feel.