Because, if you do, and you knit it up right away, you can enter your project in this contest. I just heard about this at Whip-Up. The project must be a garment, but it can actually be knit, crocheted, or woven. The Yarn Museum is pretty cool. If you click on the gallery index you'll see some really beautiful yarns and some you just know you'll never see in a yarn shop!
The very coolest part is that you can also enter old items AND the yarn does not have to be spun by you! I happened to have just one single project knit with handspun- these favorite fingerless mitts worn by Ryan in the photo. I did not spin this yarn. It's from Tanglewood Fiber Creations and is so yummy I can't wait to see some more. Or I could learn to spin and get going on some roving I already have.
The only problem with this contest is photos must be submitted at 350 pixels square and I can't figure out how to do that. Only time will tell whether Chloe can figure this out. There are prizes for the contest- some very pretty (you guessed it) handspun yarns! I sure hope we can get this photo thing worked out! Submissions are due by November 15th if you want to be in on the contest, by the 30th if you just want your photo in the gallery.