Log Cabinning Along


I've mentioned quilter Sarah Kaufman here before.  She's a local quilter who happens to live in my neighborhood and I was fortunate to take a class with her last week.  Her claim to fame is these fabulous folded log cabin quilts.  She started using this technique many years ago after having issues with arthritis.  Small quilting needles were too hard for her to handle.  So she developed her method of folded log cabins which creates a top that is thick enough to not need batting.  Then she does a small amount of large stitch embroidery for the quilting.


I love this one above, including the pennies in the pockets (she calls this one Penny Lane).  The center of the log cabins make a space just big enough for a penny or nickel to tuck in.  And, yes, she has done some wonky blocks.  Everyone in the class liked them so much she was inspired to finish them.


It was a thoroughly enjoyable class with a wonderful teacher.  Great news is that Sarah's book about this technique is due to be released in July.  Below are my blocks from the class.  I plan to make 12 blocks, so I'm not sure when they'll get done.  I'm working steadily on my Collaborative Chicks quilts right now.  I did find this to be a really fun way to make log cabins and the resulting blocks are great for all sorts of small projects including potholders.  I came away with all sorts of ideas for playing with these blocks.  If you are interested be on the lookout for Sarah's book!